M Wealth Fairview

M Health nurses across the state of Minnesota overwhelmingly voted no confidence in top executives CEO James Hereford and Director of Nursing Laura Reed. Nurses at the bedside resoundingly expressed a lack of trust in M Health’s executives and priorities.[1]

What Are We Up Against?

Fairview's Race to the Bottom

Fairview's Impacts on Vulnerable Communities

Fairview's Profit-Driven "Non-profit" Strategy

The Hereford Model

Stand With Us

Our community has been fighting to take back our hospitals and win the affordable, high quality care that all Minnesotans deserve.  In order to win, we need your help.


[1] March 2020 MNA M Health Preparedness Survey: “Are you confident that the senior leadership of M Health Fairview, CEO James Hereford and DON Laura Reed, are planning and preparing their health facilities in a way that will limit unnecessary exposure of healthcare workers, their families, and the community to COVID-19?”